Finding Yourself

I Finished Psalms!

Hello friends!!! This week I had the pleasure of finishing Psalms. If you’ve been around for a while or know me personally, you would know that I’ve read a little bit of Psalms every night since January 1st. It’s the only book I have ever truly finished from my Bible but I am more than pleased that Psalms was my first. I think that there is so much to learn from every verse in Psalms. It has truly opened up my eyes to trusting the Lord, finding peace with old friends, finding courage in myself, and remembering that God’s love endures forever. If you are new to reading the Bible, please read Psalms because it is absolutely breathtaking the way it has impacted me and turned my world upside down. My next goal is to finish Proverbs and start either Hebrews or Matthew. If you’re a Christian let me know what you prefer. That’s it for today’s super simple post. I hope you feel all of God’s glory upon you today and all the days ahead. With tons of love and a very happy heart, McKenz.

Psalm 150:3 “Let everything that has breath give praise to the Lord.”

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