Finding Yourself

I Chose To Love Life

Hebrews 6:10 says “For God is not unjust so as to overlook your work and the love you have demonstrated for his name by having served and continuing to serve the holy ones.”

As a normal teenage girl with responsibilities, a family, and a social life I have found myself feeling aimless in my own name time and time again. I am fully aware that feeling lost in place with ourselves often means feeling lost in Jesus’s name as well. A few months ago if you asked me where I stood with myself I would’ve told you that I wasn’t sure. It felt like everything in my life was temporary, that I was putting forth so much effort into everything I did and getting absolutely nothing in return. I felt lost. And then one morning I snapped out of it and realized that nobody else was going to mend myself but me. So I threw myself into action. I began to invest my time in people that invested there time in me. I joined theatre and started doing stage makeup. I dove full force into my blogging, setting record views for myself within the weeks. I started going to church on Sundays, spent time with Bible every night. I told my friends and family I loved them everyday, tried my absolute hardest not to take them for granted. I looked in the mirror and saw the good in myself rather than picking out every flaw. I shared more laughs with my best friend in one hour than I had in the last month. I put myself out there to make new friends who I’ve spent some of the best days of my life with. I chose to love life and it loved me right back. I’ve come to realize that the effort we put into life is only recognized if we believe it is. I now know that regardless of how close or far I am to God His love for me is everlasting and that my deeds do not go unnoticed by Him. I’ve learned that “The pain you’ve been feeling, can’t compare to the joy that’s coming.” -Romans 8:18

I’ve realized that God’s love endures forever. I realized that there is no weakness in forgiveness. I realized that true love is being as happy for someone else’s accomplishments as you are for your own. I realized that the world was mine and life was only as good as I chose to make it. I realized that I’ve found people that I see nothing but absolute greatness in, people I would do anything for. I realized that I love myself and I’ve created a life I couldn’t imagine any other way. And most of all I’ve realized that you have to lose yourself in order to find yourself.

I hope one day you feel a smile inching it’s way across your face for no reason as much as I do, but until then I’ll continue to tell you how I’m managing to do so. Sending so much happiness your way. With love, McKenz.


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